Practical Karate Bunkai: Start of Saifa

Описание к видео Practical Karate Bunkai: Start of Saifa

In November 2014 we had an online vote on which kata sequence we should collectively explore. Several hundred people voted and the opening motion of Saifa was the winner.

There has been loads of great contributions from people all over the globe (see the kata application section of the forum of Here is our offering.

Saifa is not a kata my group practises, but today (22nd of November 2014) I took the sequence to the dojo and we spent 10 minutes at the end of the class collectively exploring the possible uses for the motion.

These were our favourite three. We feel these fit the kata well and leave no part of the motion unexplained.

Thanks Tim, Fred, Darren, Callum, Joe, Charles, Richard, and Andrew for their thoughts.

All the best,



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