「素食」家庭自制韩式泡菜 |【Vegan】Homemade Kimchi

Описание к видео 「素食」家庭自制韩式泡菜 |【Vegan】Homemade Kimchi

大白菜一颗 2000g One Napa Cabbage (approx. 2kg)
白萝卜 200g White Radish 200g
胡萝卜 80g Carrot 80g
盐 5大匙(100g) 100g of salt

糯米粉 2大匙 2Tbsp Glutinous rice flour
干香菇 2朵 2 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms
昆布 8cm*8cm Kombu 8cm*8cm
水 250ml Water 250ml
韩式辣椒粉(粗粒) 100g Korean Chili Powder (coarse) 100g
糖 一大匙(如果你喜欢很酸也可以不加) 1 Tbsp of Sugar (If you like the tartness, skip the sugar)
盐 一大匙 1Tbsp Salt
生姜 15g 15g Ginger
梨子 一个 300g One Pear (approx. 300g)
苹果一个 200g One Apple (approx. 200g)

1. Make sure all the kitchen utensils and jars are clean and free of oil.

2. Make sure use Korean style chili powder, which has a bright and vival red color yet not very spicy. If you can't eat spicy chili powder, try to reduce the amount accordingly.

3. This vegan version kimchi will taste more refreshing. By using Kombu/kelp and mushroom broth instead of shrimp paste or fish sauce can also give umami to the dish.

4. It is not suggested to make kimchi in summer. Due to the high temperature, the kimchi might turned bad in summer; fall and winter are the best time to make kimchi or pickled vegetable

5. The kimchi can be eaten right after the mix. It will be more sour and less crispy if you leave it in refrigerator for a longer period. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to half a year.

6. Make sure to wash and rinse the cabbage for 3 times, otherwise, it will be too salty.




4.夏天不适合做泡菜,温度高容易失败,温度超过26度也不适合做泡菜,白菜是冬季应季蔬菜,冬天做最好吃 , 6-7度低温腌制2周味道最好



My name is Chu and I am a vegan enthusiast, thanks for visiting my channel, I hope you enjoy it.

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