2024 Individual Quarterfinal Workout #1 Crossfit

Описание к видео 2024 Individual Quarterfinal Workout #1 Crossfit

This one is something we've been used to with the PRVN programming we've been doing. So I was pretty familiar with how it would feel. The bulk of your points are banked on the row, so I put forth more effort there. The Snatches I presumed wouldn't hurt after the load yesterday and was why I chose to do this one as a recovery piece from workout 4. The only thing I really felt blowing up was my legs after the row into the box. Not anything I couldn't hold onto, but it definitely slowed me down. The box step ups weren't going to be my forté, so I was just aiming for 10-15 reps there. I opted for singles out the gate on the snatches to help keep my grip for the row. I have a pretty decent Isabel time, so I figured I could cycle the singles relatively quickly and repeat round after round. I stopped with about 12-15 seconds left to get prepped for the row. No point in getting 2-3 more Snatches if it was going to cost 4-5 calories a round. Rested about 10 seconds from row to box which probably cost me about 2 reps. All in all, I was able to sustain a repeatable rep scheme round after round. 4 rounds of Minute 1 Snatches 135lb, Minute 2 Row Calories, Minute 3 Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50lbs 20 inches, Minute 4 Rest. Finished with 10s on the Snatches each round, 24, then 23 on the calories, and 10-12 reps on the Box Step ups. 47, 45, 43, 45 Total reps around for a total of 180 reps RX.


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