I'm Here To Avenge Steve Irwin - Rare Lost 80s Hit Song

Описание к видео I'm Here To Avenge Steve Irwin - Rare Lost 80s Hit Song

I'm Here To Avenge Steve Irwin - Rare Lost 80s Hit Song - Released by Peter Pubes 1989.

AI Song, AI Music

Down in the depths of the ocean blue,
With a heart full of passion, my mission is true,
I've got my khakis on and my boots laced tight,
Gonna find that son of a bitch, and bring justice tonight.

Cruisin' the reefs and the coral fields,
With the spirit of Steve, my courage revealed,
Every fin, every shadow, I need to be my best,
When I find the motherfucker that caused this mess

I'm here to avenge Steve Irwin
Now which one of you stingrays did that shit?
That man was the heart of Australia
I'm here to avenge Steve Irwin
Now which one of you stingrays did that shit?
That man was the heart of Australia

Finally my 33 day long mission was coming to a climax
I cornered a stingray, it started to cry,
"Mate, the one you're after, he’s long since died."
Turns out the culprit’s been gone for years, how fucking long do stingrays live for?
I've been wiping out loads of the fuckers for little reason!

So now I'm faced with quite the predicament
The original stingray has long since died
Steve if you're listening please guide me, and then from the heavens above I heard a voice
"Bloody hell Petey, you gotta kill them all, you can't let those c*nts get away with what they did"
Yes Steve, I will Avenge thee
Have this you stingray sack of shit
I'll rock bottom your roody poo stingray candyass
There's no running now
This is for Australia, this is for Steve!

I'm here to avenge Steve Irwin
Now which one of your stingrays did that shit?
That man was the heart of Australia
I'm here to avenge Steve Irwin
Now which one of your stingrays did that shit?
That man was the heart of Australia

(All lyrics written by myself).


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