Dirt bike fork rebuild | Honda CRF450 Showa 47mm - No special tools needed!

Описание к видео Dirt bike fork rebuild | Honda CRF450 Showa 47mm - No special tools needed!

How to reseal and rebuild your Honda CRF450 front forks, no special tools required!
Showing both the seal installer and the no seal installer (electrical tape) methods

Showa 47mm twin chamber forks.

No changes made to the valving, spring or factory set up on this one just a reseal and refill to factory level.

All Honda CRF450X Fork components torque settings in video
-Top cap 26Ftlbs
-Rod cap 51Ftlbs
-Damper rod nut 16Ftlbs
-Bottom cap 51Ftlbs
-Axle pinch bolts 16Ftlbs
-Triple clamp pinch bolts 16Ftlbs
-Centre triple clamp pinch bolts 15Ftlbs
-Front axle nut 65Ftlbs
-Honda Showa fork fill capacity 336ml (Max 400ml Min 300ml)

Tools needed to reseal forks: 00:00
Removing motorbike front forks: 00:52
Disassembling motorbike front forks: 03:44
Motorbike front fork seal and bush install: 11:45
Front fork damper disassembly: 15:07
Honda CRF450 fork damper oil fill: 16:40
Front fork damper assembly: 18:00
Installing Honda (Showa) fork seals with seal installer: 20:56
Installing Honda (Showa) fork seals with no tools: 21:59
Fork assembly: 23:10
Fork fitment: 26:27
Conclusion: 27:02


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