रसगुल्ला | Rasgulla - Traditional Bengali Sweet | Homemade Indian Dessert | Recipe by Archana

Описание к видео रसगुल्ला | Rasgulla - Traditional Bengali Sweet | Homemade Indian Dessert | Recipe by Archana

Learn how to make perfect soft Rasgulla at home from our chef Archana on Ruchkar Mejwani.

Rasgulla is a traditional Bengali sweet dessert recipe prepared from paneer & sugar syrup.

रसगुल्ला ही पनीर आणि साखरेच्या पाकापासून तयार केलेली एक पारंपारिक बंगाली गोड रेसिपी आहे.

Rasgulla, when enjoyed in moderation, can be a guilt-free dessert that provides energy, protein, antioxidants, and more.

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1 & 1/2 Litre Full Fat Cow Milk
4 Cups Water
3 Cups Sugar
1 & 1/2 tbsp Vinegar
1 & 1/2 Cup Water


In a large vessel boil the milk.
To make the sugar syrup in another pan add water & sugar. Let the sugar melt completely.
When the milk comes to a boil add water mixed with vinegar. Give a stir. Switch off the flame.
Once the milk curdles, strain the crumbled paneer.
Put some cold water on the crumbled paneer.
Squeeze out all the excess water & hang it in a cloth for half an hour.
Remove the paneer in a bowl. Add sugar and mix well.
Knead the dough properly with your hands till the sugar dissolves.
Make small portions of the paneer and keep it aside in a plate.
Make round balls and add one by one in the sugar syrup.
Cover it with a lid and let the rasgullas cook in the syrup for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes add 1/4th cup of water and again cover it with a lid.
Repeat this step for 2 more times & then turn off the flame.
Let them cool down in the syrup for at least 2 hrs.
The rasgullas are ready to be served.

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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