Never Bored on the Homestead

Описание к видео Never Bored on the Homestead

It's been busy around here - nothing new at all! I find I never get bored with a constant to do list. My priorities are to put food on my table so there is always activities involving that. But bigger projects also need doing but I often have to break them down into bit sized pieces.
Todays video has a look at what I've been busy doing in the last week and what will be keeping me busy in the week or two to come!

Dr Paul Mason - viatmin D video - please check this out!!
   • Dr. Paul Mason - 'The 5 Minute Vitami...

I've started a buymeacoffee page - it should be renamed buymeaplant page as I hope to use funds raised here to diversify my trees and shrubs in my food forest. If you'd like to support me - link is below!! Thank you!

#permaculture #selfsufficientliving #nodiggardening


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