Abbots Bromley - Horn Dance

Описание к видео Abbots Bromley - Horn Dance

Abbots Bromley in the picturesque county of Staffordshire is an ancient Village. Its first written mention dates back to 942 when it was recorded as the manor of ‘Bromleige’. The Doomsday Book, a general survey, and valuation of the land and property were taken in 1086 also records the village mentioning a wood, two leagues long and one league-wide and a priest, indicating there was a church already in existence at that time.

The Horn Dance is steeped in tradition but nobody really knows its true origins, although there are many theories and interpretations. It is believed that the dance was performed at the three-day Berthelmy Fair, granted to the Abbots of Burton by Henry III in 1226 celebrating St Bartholomew’s Day.

The traditional annual Horn Dance is performed only once a year. The day begins at 7.30 in the morning in church with the blessing of the dancers and their unique headwear of antlers. The antlers or horns are said to represent the battle between winter and spring, darkness and light. The Dancers consist of a band of twelve. Until recently there was no way of knowing how old the horns were. Recently a carbon dating test has proved they are over 1000 years old and were from domesticated herds; this suggests that they were brought over by the Vikings. The largest pair of horns weigh some 25 pounds.

The Horn Dance team consists of six "Deer Men", dressed in a pseudo-medieval costume devised in Victorian times and featuring an oak leaf motif. They are accompanied by a Fool, a Hobby Horse, Maid Marion (a man dressed as a woman), a Bowman (Robin Hood) a boy striking a triangle, and two musicians. After collecting the horns from the church they perform their dance at a number of houses and farms throughout the village and its surroundings. The origins of the dance are mysterious but it may commemorate the granting of hunting privileges in Needwood Forest. Although the horns are kept in the church, in Hurst Chapel, the actual running of the Horn Dance itself still remains in the hands of the village, through the leadership of the Fowell and Bentley families.

Many of the team have been performing their duties for over 30 years whilst newer recruits are often younger family members or those who have married into one of the two families. The highlight of the day is when the Horn Dance reaches Blithfield Hall and the Dance is yet again performed on the sweeping lawn and spectators are able to watch from across the Ha Ha (steep grass bank similar to a moat to keep the cattle from entering the grounds of the house). After their performance, the Horn Dance team is​ met by Lady Bagot, who is a long supporter of this tradition and has provided new costumes for the Horn Dance over the years.

The Horn Dance has a loyal and dedicated following; many of whom travel hundreds of miles every year to feel part of this tradition. But anyone witnessing the Horn Dance cannot fail to be impressed by this simple yet eerie tradition and by its timelessness.

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