Candide Overture | 1st Clarinet POV

Описание к видео Candide Overture | 1st Clarinet POV

This is a recording of The Florida Wind Band performing Leonard Bernstein's Candide Overture. I am playing 1st clarinet in this recording.

🎶 Quixo-what?? 🎶

Quix·ot·ic /kwikˈsädik/
1. exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
2. Referring to Don Quixote
My last name is Quixtan (a Mayan name in the K’iche tribe) and this word is the best description of my strength AND weakness. I often find myself having these grand ideas that are unrealistic and impractical to most people. I hope to look back one day and smile at the unrealistic experiences that I was able to have because of my ability to see the world in a different light.

Ar·ti·san /ˈärdəzn,ˈärdəˌzan/ 1. a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.
One of my life purposes is to create and I have chosen a life of artistry. Music, cooking, art, video, and whatever interest me that day allow me to continuously create and embody the idea of being an artisan.

🎶 FAQ🎶

Q: Where do you live?
A: I am located in Florida but anywhere more specific than that makes me want to know why you’re asking
Q: What instrument do you play on?
A: Buffet (Clarinet) Selmer (Saxophone) Mollard (Conducting Batons)
Q: Where did you go to school?
A: Florida Southern College where I earned a degree in clarinet performance and a degree in music education
Q: What do you do besides YouTube/content creation?
A: Teach, perform, conduct, create, give private lessons, and try really hard to not be bored

🎶 Let’s get social! 🎶

Instagram:   / quixoticartisan  


TikTok:   / quixoticartisan  

🎶 Quantifying Algorithms 🎶

#band #music #concert

key words/phrases: Clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, music, musician, rehearsal, concert, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, concert band, band, wind ensemble, practice, reeds, Vandoren, instagram, tiktok, tutorial, how to play, play along, director, conductor, clarinet excepts, playing clarinet in public, concert band rehearsal


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