Ovarian Function Suppression for Breast Cancer: Lupron or Zoladex- Monthly or Every 3 Months?

Описание к видео Ovarian Function Suppression for Breast Cancer: Lupron or Zoladex- Monthly or Every 3 Months?

Let’s talk about ovarian function suppression for premenopausal hormone receptor positive #breastcancer. I talk about how ovarian suppression is done and discuss a new study published in June 2024 in JNCI by Lin J et al looking at monthly versus every 3 month administration of #Lupron or #zoladex.

**If you have a genetic mutation that increases ovarian cancer risk, we typically recommend oopherectomy over Lupron/Zoladex (in part depending on age).

#breastcancersurvivor #oncologist #cancerdoctor #tamoxifen #aromataseinhibitor


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