Ko gyi kyaw - Thxa Soe

Описание к видео Ko gyi kyaw - Thxa Soe

フェスティバル/トーキョー15 Festival/Tokyo15
アジアシリーズvol.2 ミャンマー特集『ラウンドアバウト・イン・ヤンゴン』
Asia Series Vol.2: Myanmar “Roundabout in Yangon”
[Bプログラム]音楽・出演:ターソー Music, Performer: Thxa Soe


Presenting a wide and exciting range of contemporary stage performances, Festival/Tokyo (F/T) explores new social possibilities for art. Launched in 2009 and held every autumn mainly in the Ikebukuro area of Tokyo, the festival features a program of theatre, dance, music, visual art, and film by cutting-edge artists from Japan and around the world.


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