CHILOLO FULL HD Mateso ya Yatima

Описание к видео CHILOLO FULL HD Mateso ya Yatima

Chilolo is a young daughter who faces harassment after her father passed away and she is left with a stepmother (stepmother) with her stepmother who abuses her and deprives her of her basic right to study and play as a child. This film tries to reflect the lives of many children who face challenges after their parents die. This situation causes these children to flee their homes and seek shelter elsewhere and sometimes these children roam the streets and become street children (Street Children). Therefore, this film asks the members of society to change their attitudes and raise these children with compassion and fear of God without doing cruelty to them. But also if it is not enough, this film emphasizes the society not to have desires for wealth, because having desires for wealth is the source of torturing the children of the deceased. So society should change.

Chilolo ni bint mdogo anakutana na manyanyaso baada ya baba yake kufariki dunia na kubaki na mama wa kufikia (mama wa kambo) akiwa na bibi yake wa kufikia wanamfanyia madhira na kumkosesha haki yake ya msingi ya kusoma na kucheza akiwa kama mtoto. Filamu hii inajaribu kuakisi maisha ya watoto wengi wanao kumbana na changamoto baada ya wazazi wao kufariki. Hali hii inasababisha watoto hawa kutoroka makwao na kutafuta hifadhi mahala pengine na muda mwengine watoto hawa huzurura mitaani na kuwa watoto wa mitaani (Street Children). Hivyo basi filamu hii inawataka wanajamii kubadili mitazamo yao na kuwalea watoto hawa kwa huruma na kwa hofu ya mungu bila kuwafanyia ukatili. Lakini pia kama haitoshi Filamu hii inaihasa jamii kutokuwa na tamaa za mali kwa maana kuwa na tamaa na mali ndio chanzo cha kuwatesa watoto wa marehemu. Hivyo jamii inapaswa kubadilika.

Starring: JOKATE ERICK, Bi Zuki J Kilo, Amina Mjungu, Msafiri Sangali, Mmasai, Ratifa Mgeni,


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