Siteworks Site Calibration Base setup Rover setup Complete Process

Описание к видео Siteworks Site Calibration Base setup Rover setup Complete Process

In this video, we will show you how to set up a Siteworks site calibration base and rover using Trimble equipment. Siteworks site calibration is a process of adjusting the coordinates of a GNSS receiver to match the coordinates of known control points. This is important for ensuring that your GNSS measurements are accurate.

To set up a Siteworks site calibration base and rover, you will need the following equipment:

* A Trimble GNSS receiver for the base and rover
* A Trimble machine kit for the rover (optional)
* A Trimble data collector
* A Siteworks software license

Once you have all of your equipment, follow these steps to set up the site calibration:

1. *Set up the base receiver.* Place the base receiver on a known control point and turn it on.
2. *Set up the rover receiver.* Place the rover receiver in a location where you want to collect data and turn it on.
3. *Connect the rover receiver to the data collector.*
4. *Open the Siteworks software on the data collector.*
5. *Create a new site calibration project.*
6. *Select the base and rover receivers in the Siteworks software.*
7. *Start the site calibration.*
8. *Collect data at a minimum of five control points.*
9. *Once you have collected data at all of the control points, stop the site calibration.*
10. *Review the site calibration results.*

If the site calibration results are satisfactory, you can accept the results and use the calibrated coordinates for your GNSS measurements.

Here are some additional tips for setting up a Siteworks site calibration:

* Use a tripod and stakes to secure the base and rover receivers.
* Make sure that the base and rover receivers have a clear view of the sky.
* Avoid setting up the base and rover receivers near trees, buildings, or other obstructions.
* Collect data at the control points for at least five minutes.
* Review the site calibration results carefully before accepting them.

If you have any questions about setting up a Siteworks site calibration, please reach out to us at:

*Keywords:* Siteworks, site calibration, base station, rover, Trimble, GNSS, accuracy, surveying


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