【Megpoid GUMI SV】The Portrait Glassred Drew 【English Cover】

Описание к видео 【Megpoid GUMI SV】The Portrait Glassred Drew 【English Cover】

Part of the Evillious Chronicles by mothy(AkunoP)
Illustration by Yuu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/48476036#1
vsqx by MAGPIE

Okay, now I'm going to try and post every-other week; I've been running low on spoons lately and don't want to slack on translyrics doing too much at once.

If only you hadn't gone and changed...

Filling up the space, my brush creates a certain face.
Taking center stage: a man I once knew.
Like a half-remembered dream in the corner of my memory,
that very man escapes my view.

Though I can't be sure of when it happened,
that face I knew had almost changed completely.
I'm still certain if you had just remained yourself,
the way you used to be when you met me,
maybe the life we knew would have had room for two;
but it's too late since that man I knew is gone. Withdrawn.

Now this isn't to say that I miss the way that you looked.
The way you looked at me? I found it captivating.
So on I paint, the visage of you slowly filling up the room
before I knew.

Your face wasn't a prize, but I saw a spark in your eyes.
What I want to capture is the person who you were.
Never-mind that now.
We both made that error, you know, me and you,
since we couldn't see it through.

In the fireplace, your portrait burns. Smoke fills the space.
When I turn to look, you say "I hate this face."
I recall that day that I saw something ugly, certainly,
but it was not your face, surely....

in a foolish bid to keep you safe I
ridiculed you and left you no place to hide.
By the time I next saw you, it caught my eye
that you were different now, and somehow
you'd act like someone else. A new man, not yourself,
and the man that I had painted was gone. Withdrawn.

Even if you were not the man in my memory,
if it would make you happy I could support it, you see.
And I had thought
that maybe things here could still all be okay
in a certain way

Now this isn't to say that one can't benefit from change,
but what you really needed was to embrace who you were
without a change.
And I can't help but feel that mistake falls on you
since you couldn't see it too.

But your memory will live on in the portraits even now I continue to paint
Even if you don't appear the way you wanted to,
that face shouldn't make anyone think less of you.
Way back when I heard you trying to
say words that remain in my thoughts to this very day.
Without you ever stating it aloud, I think that
instinctively I know the phrase.

Maybe I did like you. Far more than I ever got to say,
because when it mattered I threw my chances away.
So on I paint.
The memory of you filling up the room
before I knew.

But that isn't to say I really care how you look.
It's your soul that mattered...
but that's the thing that you took.

Don't mind that now.
See, the both of us went and made that error, too,
never saying "I love you."


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