What if you have

Описание к видео What if you have

We just had a young, male lacrosse player with “lightning” in his hamstring.

An MRI confirmed he had a Grade 2 biceps femoris (one of the hamstring muscles) strain.

He got PRP done (which causes adhesion by the way) done.

Did PT.

Another MRI confirmed the hamstring strain healed.

Here’s the problem. He went back to lacrosse and guess what?

Any time he pivoted off that leg, the lightning was present.

He saw us and we found a sciatic nerve entrapment at the hamstring and the dweller adductor magnus that Dr Joe discusses here.

Below the hamstring, it splits into the tibial and common peroneal nerves where it can also be entrapped.

Here’s how we feel it.

➡️➡️ SHARE this with someone who has sciatica but isn’t responding to traditional chiropractic or PT.

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