Ventilator Basics and Extubation

Описание к видео Ventilator Basics and Extubation

NOTE!!! I WROTE SPONTANEOUS! IT SHOULD READ SYNCHRONIZED!! My fault! I was thinking as I wrote it patients breathe spontaneously in between. Please disregard 😂

So here is a general introduction to the 3 major ventilator modes 🫁 we use in the ICU. There are more but these are the most common! AC, SIMV and PSV! We talk about how each mode works, what we program in (the major parts) and what they spit out as well as their similarities and differences.
Then, to top it off we learn how to liberate our patients from the vent!
Enjoy, and let me know in the comments below what you thought! Does this make vents a little easier?! I sure hope so!
Don't forget to save 💾 this post for future reference!
*For educational purposes only. All views on posts are my own and do not reflect those of my institution or employer.


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