F-19 Stealth Fighter (Mod Update!) - Persian Gulf Mission #03

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Mod Update!) - Persian Gulf Mission #03

Third mission in the Persian Gulf theatre, with another panel revision and a new and original title screen! I have also modified the Roland MT-32 sound driver to remove the low altitude beeper, that thing is completely counter-intuitive when you try to fly low and slow. As for the mission, it is a daytime deal, photograph one bridge and destroy an oil rig. Flying at times dangerously low, I managed to slip through undetected, until the secondary target area where first I stupidly flew too close to the airfield and radar. Later a Tomcat got a visual ID on me. I exhausted most countermeasure stores and managed to evade his aggressive maneuvers and attacks though, and got home safely.

Mod available on https://pixelwings.org

Visit CanadianAvengers blog and read about his epic process of decoding the MicroProse PIC format, making graphic mods such as this possible! https://canadianavenger.io

00:00:00 Title screen
00:00:11 Credits
00:00:15 Advert
00:00:35 Mission briefing
00:01:25 Arming aircraft
00:02:09 Mission start / take-off
00:03:18 No more low altitude warning beep
00:09:56 Photographing bridge
00:13:20 Detected by radar
00:13:25 Decoy released
00:16:57 Lock on secondary target
00:17:11 Launching Maverick
00:17:29 Secondary destroyed
00:18:03 Under attack
00:20:10 Staying low to avoid attacker
00:20:57 Near miss by missile
00:22:22 Feet dry friendly territory
00:27:02 Lining up for landing
00:27:34 Landing
00:28:26 Mission summary
00:28:32 Debriefing
00:28:52 Awards ceremony


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