F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Persian Gulf strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Mission 93, one last secret airstrip. Primary is a delivery to a secret airstrip and secondary is a strike on a tank farm. As with all secret airstrip missions there's a time limit, however the secondary is practically on the flightpath to the primary, so that is attacked first.

The mission is run low and fast at approx 300 knots to provide enough time to hop across pulse radars and attack the secondary. Due to the speed there are lots of detections and id's so a number of enemy fighters are downed throughout the mission.

Secondary strike goes fine, then it off to the airstrip. Landing is ok, delivery is made and both missions are accomplished. Low and slow approach to an airbase until an F-5E tiger tries to take what looks like a gun shot and misses! It's time to haul it back to the airbase for a landing.

That's the last Persian Gulf mission done!


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