Privateer Model ROYAL LOUIS c 1781 - Part One

Описание к видео Privateer Model ROYAL LOUIS c 1781 - Part One

Not many good privateer models are in existence today; or rather, not thoroughly researched relative to the American ship. I was given the task to do this by a non profit in Philadelphia. To that end I was fascinated to use two supporting references with my own to conclude how the ROYAL LOUIS was constructed.
In this first video I show the process of build, and details with scale -using a 5'.6" inch template crew figure to match everything from decking and guns, to actual masts and rigging. The images carry all the detail for a fighting ship of that period. Some information was questionable, but I used natural logic to secure answers normally overlooked.
I hope the viewer will enjoy this presentation. More to follow in the coming weeks.


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