The King Was in His Counting House Series 2 Episode 36

Описание к видео The King Was in His Counting House Series 2 Episode 36

I've done in dad's army, the king was in his counting house, featuring john larry, arnold ridley and ian lavender with this week's guest bill, pertwee larry, martin and wendy. Richard here is the news, and this is john snag - reading it.

It is the summer of 1941 and the people of britain, with that indomitable fighting spirit continue to repel hitler's attempts to add their country to his long list of conquests. Even in these grim days, people sometimes need to unwind a little and captain mannering of the warmington on sea home guard platoon is planning a little get together for the men under his command from his office at swallow's bank. He is telephoning his wife, yes, elizabeth.

I tell them to be around at the house at eight o'clock tonight. Yes, just a few sandwiches and some beer That should get them all in a convivial mood. You don't think we ought to give them beer.

No, of course they won't get drunk and start smashing. The house up, my men, are not just hooligans minute. Elizabeth summers at the door come in, i'm so sorry, I i I didn't know you were On the phone.

It's all right. Wilson have a seat, and thank you soon. I won't be in it just uh talking to the little woman, not okay, elizabeth, what oh, no, no, no i'm sure they wouldn't mind if you wore your siren suit.

After all, winston churchill wears one not quite the same thing, no well, never Mind, but oh very well, then goodbye to you, i'm sorry about it. Wilson, just discussing tonight's party, I must say i'm looking forward to it. You know this will be the first time that I have visited your house.

Well, we haven't done much entertaining since the war started. I thought the time had come for some of the platoon to get together in civilian Clothes and meet on equal terms. Well, that's very democratic, obviously, because I realize that it's even more difficult for you, wilson, as you're superior here at the bank and your commanding officer in the platoon.

We don't get much chance to meet his equals. No, we don't say no! No, however, tonight you may call me george, thank you, sir, and I shall call you Arthur. Oh, that will be nice hurry up.

Excuse me, mr, would you sign these letters? Please? Yes, all right! You measure wait, however, i'll do them now! Oh! Thank you, sir uncle. I am excited, aren't you? Oh, no, not really franca i've seen mr mannering sign letters before no, no, I mean about the party tonight. I'm i'm really looking forward to it yeah! Well, yes, yes, george has just been telling me all about it.

George, who mr mannering, of course, wilson, I said you could call me, george at the party, not here at the bank slip of the town. Can I call you, george at the party, mr memories, Somebody just occurred to me. Let's hope it won't be tonight that the balloon goes up.

Oh we're having balloons as well. I must say wilson, i'm really looking forward to 8 o'clock this evening. All of us gathered together in my sitting, room civilian curls in a nice happy relaxed, carefree atmosphere.

Nothing like [, Music, ], [, Laughter, ], huh, [, Music, ], yes, well, nice of all to come. It's nice of you to ask us george hi, very nice, very nice. Indeed, i'm glad you were able to make it charles, it's a lovely party.

Yes, I'm enjoying michelle. Sir. Definitely, sir! No, please please george, my name's, not george, so it's jack! No! No! I I want you to call me george jack.

I said arthur look at the time joe's late, my goodness, so he is george well now uh. My wife will be down in a moment and then we can start on the refreshments. Yes, sir, looking forward to meeting your good.

Ladies sir george, sorry george, you don't know what god three hasn't been knighted, yet [ Music ]. Ah I expect that's joe. Let him in pike, yes, mr mannarin, well, fraser, j, james how's business kind of complaining.

I delayed the entity who ordered one of our best oak coffins. Her husband dropped down dead. Just like that one minute he was here the next minute he was gone.

How terrible hey just about your age and beldy was joe walker and lady friend what evening you know sure, don't you, mr mannering, we have met. I told you, this was stan walker, i'll Talk to you later, oh pleased to meet you. I'm sure trust you to turn up.

We are tapped, look at the pair of them. Yes, I am well your excuse. Well, i'm just going to see how my wife's getting on.

Well, I must say, i'd have thought old. Mannering would have had a better place than this. I've never seen such a load of all rubbish.

Hey, hey! No! Look! This little glass Ornaments! Now! Isn't it it's full of water? It's got little cottage inside it just and i've got one of those as well. They're. Very pretty you shake them hard and then make a snow storm.

Really what that is. Oh yeah! Oh, so it does hey. Look, i'm glad.


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