
Описание к видео 「空飛ぶマジンガーZ」英語版【歌ってみた】

English lyrics translation by DANN

So higher riding in the sky that blue and so wide.
It's the wings of the freedom called Jet Scrander going.
Reborn and flaring up life is here.
Mazinger in the air.
Docked at Scrander Cross he will fly freely in the sky.

Who does this sky belong to?
Yes, all living things have that right.
You flapping your wings.
I'll fly with my wings.
Let's all fly in the sky!

That symbolizes sublime peace.
He got wings. The super Robot flys.
Mazinga flys in the sky.

The wings sweep away evil and liberate the skies.
It's the wings of the freedom called Jet Scrander going.
The heart of justice is burning up.
Mazinger in the air.
Docked at Scrander Cross he will fly freely in the sky.

You know this Earth is bluish and
beyond the sky the space spreads out
You flapping your wings
I'll fly with my wings
Let's all fly to the space!

That brings us the hope to live.
He got wings. The super Robot flys.
Mazinga flys in the sky.


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