SIPTA Seminar by Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen: Mixing Time and Uncertainty. A Tale of Superpositions

Описание к видео SIPTA Seminar by Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen: Mixing Time and Uncertainty. A Tale of Superpositions

ABSTRACT: Formalisms capable of dealing with time and uncertainty are necessary for modelling the existing knowledge of (business) processes which must interact with an unreliable environment. Yet, combining time and uncertainty is far from trivial and can easily lead to undecidability, making those formalisms useless in practice. A recent proposal for probabilistic temporal logic uses the idea of superposition semantics, where an object simultaneously has and does not have a property, until it is observed. We apply this superposition semantics to Linear Temporal Logic over finite time, and show how it can be used for Business Process Modelling tasks. Under the open world assumption, we see how to compute lower and upper probability bounds for observing specific process behaviours.

This talk is part of a series of seminars on imprecise probabilities that are organized by SIPTA, the "Society for Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications". We also organize conferences and schools, provide documentation and maintain a mailing list and blog. More information is available at Info on the SIPTA seminars in particular is available at

00:00 - Start
01:46 - Introduction
17:33 - DECLARE Reasoning
26:55 - Probabilistic Temporal Logic
34:58 - Superposition semantics
53:52 - Satisfiability
01:03:34 - Conclusions


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