An MT kills Balteus (Private MT Mod)

Описание к видео An MT kills Balteus (Private MT Mod)

A private mod that makes the Basho set with the Lamm head feel like you're piloting an MT. It is somehow slow and also made of Tofu, so dying to anything and everything is possible, even the slightest bit of damage, Balteus could sneeze assault armor particles and it would result in getting destroyed.

This mod is made by my friend ‪@anubis520‬ and aims to make AC6 a torturous experience by converting your life as an AC pilot to that of an MT. Initially, it was impossible to get anywhere with just the Basho parts being set to that low AP, but remembering that the physical shields block any and every damage from the front, we decided to convert one of the pulse shields to exactly that if you can IG block incoming damage.

It now became possible to clear missions, including attack the watchpoint and made the mod actually feel like it was a challenge. Even with weapons limited to just Ransetsu, Turner, Haldeman and the missile pod, right now the best idea is just to do double rifles and just kite backwards with the shield, but of course, that's boring, so I brought the pulse blade to make the fight riskier, if I could pull off blading enemies without being sneezed on.

The mod is still very early WIP, so what you're seeing is not finished, the ground skating speed is supposed to be around 200 and the AB is supposed to match that. My friend just so happens to FORGET to change it back as he gave me the mod so I have to deal with 174 vs 200. Repair kits were in the discussion for being removed, but honestly, removing them or not, if you made a mistake, you're bound to die anyway. The kits at least allow for SMALL errors to be fixed up to 3 times.

Oh - and quick boost reload is a whole 3 seconds, so if I qb wrongly, I'm stuck on the ground for 3 seconds.


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