Osteology of Head & Neck - Frontal Bone

Описание к видео Osteology of Head & Neck - Frontal Bone

Frontal bone
single, flat & pneumatic bone
It has two parts
Squamous part
Orbital part
Squamous part presents two surfaces
External & Internal
Two margins
Posterior or parietal border
Supraorbital margins
Supraorbital margins - Shows supraorbital notch at the junction of medial 1/3 & lateral 2/3, which transmits supraorbital vessels & nerves
Medially supraorbital margins are separated by nasal notch which presents nasal spine. this notch artciculates with nasal bone, frontal process of maxilla and lacrimal bone
Laterally becomes continuous with the zygomatic process of frontal bone
External surface of squamous part presents superciliary arches with glabella inbetween
Internal surface shows impressions of gyri & middle meningeal vessels
In the median plane it presents sulcus for superior sagittal sinus
the ridge of the sulcus continues down as frontal crest which ends in foramen caecum
Orbital plate presents orbital & cerebral surfaces
separated by ethmoidal notch - articulates with cribriform plate of ethmoid Follow me in blogspot - https://human-anatomylessons.blogspot... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Visit my blogs - https://humananatomyonline.in/
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