How To Meditate - My Experience After 2 Years of Mindfulness Meditation

Описание к видео How To Meditate - My Experience After 2 Years of Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation - We all know it's good for us but few people start, and even fewer are consistent with their meditation practice.
That is the primary reason why I've created this video, to help you start meditating and to give you a practical guide to meditation.

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First time I committed to adding meditation to my life was back in 2014. After a few ups and downs finally, after one 90 day challenge the habit "clicked" and since then, it has been a regular part of my life.

Now, throughout the years I did have periods of time where I was barely consistent. Sometimes I would meditate for 1 or 2 minutes a day which might not seem a lot, but it makes a world of difference in the end.

Due to popular demand, in this video, I decided to share my experience with meditation and how I've managed to simplify it to a very logical method.

First off, I'm not a meditation guru nor did I ever hire one to teach me how to meditate. I'm a self-taught practitioner who learned primarily through trial and error with a few books.

And secondly, I don't believe you need to do anything special to meditation.

A lot of "gurus" promote retreats, guided meditation apps, coaching or other services.

These things might be helpful for some people, but I've never resonated with such offers. I'm just a nerdy guy who decided to figure this out on my own. After all, it's my mind that I'm looking to learn about and master.

Lessons from meditating consistently for over two years:

1. Just start. (Even if you don't feel ready or willing).

It doesn't take a lot of effort or time to get started. 2 - 5 minutes a day is all you need, it can be done with your morning cup of tea or at night before you brush your teeth. Just start.

Whether you meditate for 2 minutes or 20 minutes, you are internalizing the identity of a person who meditates.

And it's fundamental to your meditation practice to see yourself as a person that meditates consistently.

2. You don't need a special pose or a particular location.

Meditate at any place and position your body in any way that is comfortable for you.

3. The way I view meditation is as a Notification system. (I'm an engineer after all :D) And in the system, you have your thoughts (notifications), and you have your awareness (clicks).

You can think of each thought that comes while you're meditating as a notification, same as the ones you get on Facebook. As these notifications keep coming you keep clicking on them (acknowledging the thought through awareness) and the notification goes away. (thought goes away).

It's a simple process. And over time, there are fewer notifications coming in. At some point in your journey, you reach a place where you're very present to the moment without that many notifications (thoughts) coming, and you can then easily focus on your breathing or any other point of focus you choose.

Breathing is the easiest one and that's what I recommend doing.

As you can see, it's quite simple, and it's not about actively doing something. The way I see it, meditation is about letting go and filling in those gaps of silence by focusing on breathing.

I know some people will resonate with this, while others won't know what I'm talking about. And that's okay.

If you're a beginner with meditation, the key is to keep things simple.

I suggest starting with taking 2 minutes out of your day and just focus on taking a "time out" and just breathing.

Don't overwhelm yourself with thoughts on what's the best method or what's the best program. Instead, look for ways you can start adding mindfulness to your life.

The benefits of meditation I've experienced are:
- Increased focus and control over my attention
- I'm much happier when I'm consistently meditatng
- I'm less stressed which means fewer food cravings
- More empathy and understanding
- I get very creative ideas for videos, coaching, and life in general
- I can delay gratification and think more long term
- Better sleep

And lastly, I view the world in a much more positive way.

As you probably noticed, a lot of these benefits are connected and that's the power of the ripple effect you get from a consistent meditation practice.

I can't recommend it enough.

Your coach,

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Outro song:
Dollar Needles 2 by Niklas Ahlströ


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