This Book Will Change How You Live Your 20s | The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

Описание к видео This Book Will Change How You Live Your 20s | The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

I recently read, "The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now", written by author, psychologist, and professor, Meg Jay, PhD. This book offers a lot of insight and resources about how to navigate your twenties in three categories: work, career, and the brain & body. Check out the book if you're looking for guidance in these three areas.

The six concepts I discuss in this video are as follows:
1. Work: Identity Capital
2. Work: Weak Ties
3. Love: Dating Down
4. Love: Cohabitation Effect
5. Brain & Body: Compare & Despair
6. Brain & Body: Calming Yourself

► Meg Jay Ted Talk:    • Why 30 is not the new 20 | Meg Jay  
► The Defining Decade:

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Who am I:
Hello, my name is Chris. I'm a full-time engineer living near Philadelphia that enjoys making videos about self-growth, money, life, and honestly anything that runs through my mind. Half these videos are lowkey kinda cringe but I enjoy it and am happy to be improving just a tiny bit every week. Feel free to subscribe if you enjoy the content and comment below any of your thoughts!

00:00 Introduction
02:48 I. Work
06:10 II. Love
09:55 III. Brain & Body
13:00 Conclusion

*Links above may include affiliate commission or referrals.
*This video is just for fun and entertainment purposes.

#twenties #thedefiningdecade #lifelessons


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