Land Grant Universities and Extension: Putting Knowledge to Work

Описание к видео Land Grant Universities and Extension: Putting Knowledge to Work

Besides teaching and research, some universities have an incredibly important third mission: to bring research-based knowledge directly to families, consumers, business owners and agricultural producers. This is the mission of Extension.

But how did it come about, and why is Extension only at some universities?

There are more than 100 Land Grant Colleges and Universities (LGUs) in the United States — these institutions share a rich history rooted in the importance of education to our nation.

The extension service, based out of these LGUs, provides resources and expertise in a wide variety of content areas, taking university research out to the community, serving the needs of families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers.

Agents also administer the 4-H program, the nation’s largest youth program, which builds skills and leadership in kids ages 8-18.

Most importantly, extension strives to meet the specific needs of each community.

Copyright 2023 NMSU Board of Regents


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