REPORT YOUR SYMPTOMS FROM BREAST CANCER TREATMENT | Reporting and validation of patient symptoms

Описание к видео REPORT YOUR SYMPTOMS FROM BREAST CANCER TREATMENT | Reporting and validation of patient symptoms

In my experience, the people that get through Breast Cancer as well as possible are those that have the side effects of treatment managed most effectively.

If side effects are to be managed well, then you need a great group of Health Professionals - both Medical and Allied Health - looking after you. I believe it is the responsibility of Health Professionals to educate patients on potential symptoms they may experience from Breast Cancer Treatment.

However, it is also the responsibility of the Breast Cancer patient to ask questions and discuss side effects of treatment with their Health Professionals.

This of course means you need a great Medical Team around you so lines of communication can stay open at all times. Unfortunately many women going through Breast Cancer confuse reporting symptoms for whingeing. And this couldn't be further from the truth!

I also strongly believe that the response of your Health Professionals to your reports are a marker of how good your Team is. If you don't feel your Health Professionals are listening and responding to your reports, it may be time to seek a second opinion.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Thank you SO much for supporting my YouTube Channel this year! Bring on 2022!

Jen x


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