What Cleans Pen / Ink Off Your Trading Cards?

Описание к видео What Cleans Pen / Ink Off Your Trading Cards?

Pen and Ink on the front / back of Pokemon cards and sports cards is really annoying... so what is the best product to try and clean it off with?

That is the question we are going to try and answer! We have picking 7 of the most commonly talked about methods found in online forums for removing stains on Trading Cards. to keep it fair, I spent 1 minute maximum on each inked area, using cotton buds (where applicable) and leaning any excess of with a tissue.

00:20 - Introduction to the 7 items
01:05 - Testing all the items on the cards
03:30 - Test Results

You can also find me over on Instagram at:   / card_catcher_sam  

Disclaimer: I am not a professional when it comes to cleaning cards, I am only providing my results from the tests I performed during this video. Your results at home may very, and with the chemicals being used, there is a risk of harm to yourself if proper precautions are not taken. Your cards may also suffer damage whilst trying to replicate these outcomes.

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