
Описание к видео 青ネギのマリネ液で作る【香ばしジャークチキン】最高にビールが進む味&定番のココナッツ豆ライス|ジャマイカ大使館直伝レシピ

   • ジャマイカ大使館  

00:00 紹介ムービー
02:52 材料一覧


材料 (5~6人分) 
鶏肉 3枚 ※もも肉または胸肉
青ネギ 100g
タイム 小さじ1
ナツメグ 小さじ1
ライム汁 大さじ3
スコッチボネット(唐辛子) 1個
オールスパイス(パウダー) 大さじ1
黒コショウ 小さじ1
きび糖 小さじ2
塩 大さじ1
ニンニク 8片
サラダ油 大さじ1

[00:00]This section introduces the ingredients for making coconut rice and peas as a side dish for jerk chicken.
The ingredients for the rice and peas include rice, coconut milk, thyme, garlic, scotch bonnet pepper, hot sauce, salt, allspice, black pepper, onion, red kidney beans.
The red kidney beans need to be soaked in water overnight and boiled for 2-3 hours.
Some ingredients like scotch bonnet pepper and hot sauce may be difficult to find in Japan, but can be purchased online.

[05:31] In this section, the chef demonstrates how to cook rice in a rice cooker and introduces the ingredients for jerk chicken.
The chef adds rice and water to the rice cooker.
Time and scotch bonnet are added to the rice cooker but are removed later to avoid difficulty in taking them out.
Coconut milk is added to the rice cooker according to the measurement for 6 cups of rice.
The chef introduces the ingredients for jerk chicken, which include chicken thighs and scotch bonnet pepper.

[11:03]Marinating the meat overnight and then cooking it in a Teflon-coated frying pan on medium heat for 15-20 minutes will result in a crispy texture.
The meat is traditionally cooked in Jamaica by placing it in a drum over charcoal or wood fire.
Cooking the meat on medium heat for 15-20 minutes will enhance the flavor and texture.
Flipping the meat and cooking it on low heat for another 10 minutes will further develop a brown, slightly burnt color, which enhances the aroma.

¡Aprende a hacer un delicioso pollo al estilo jamaicano marinado en una mezcla de cebollas verdes y especias! Este plato es mejor servido con arroz de coco y guisantes. ¡Te garantizo que te chuparás los dedos con esta receta!


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