Auto Adjusting Camera Component

Описание к видео Auto Adjusting Camera Component

An Auto Adjusting Camera Component - Add an automatically adjusting player camera to your character in minutes!

Smooth Spring Arm adjustment based on different character velocities under different circumstances including when falling, crouched or when stationary.

Predictive camera that looks ahead of player movement.

Auto Camera Rotation based on player left and right movement.

Focus zoom with toggle for switching shoulders.

Auto Focus camera on level objects.

All camera options can be customized; parameters can be set on the component to enable and disable options or alter how the camera behaves.

Gamepad Supported

Blueprints are commented.

Auto Adjusting Camera Component Blueprint
Auto Adjusting Camera Interface Blueprint
Input Interface Blueprint
Focus View Trigger Blueprint
Simple Focus Target Blueprint
Demo Character animations and AnimBP - using Epic Games Animations
Demo Character Blueprint
Demo AI Blueprint
Demo Map showcasing the system

Technical Details
Features: Blueprints an automatically adjusting player camera.

Number of Blueprints: 8 - Auto Adjusting Camera Component, Auto Adjusting Camera Interface, Input Interface, Focus View Trigger Blueprint, Simple Focus Target Blueprint, Character AnimBP, Example Character BP, Demo AI Blueprint.

Number of Animations: Uses Epic Games Animations from the Third Person Template + Lyra Sample Game Project

Input: Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Untested

Documentation: A PDF can be found inside the projects root directory.

Important/Additional Notes: Uses Enhanced Input UE 5.1+


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