Normal Sperm Count: A Guide to Healthy Pregnancy

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Video Transcript

Q) What is a Sperm Count? 0:09

A) A Sperm Count is the measure of the number of sperms found per ejaculation in the semen. This measurement value is used as an indicator of a male’s fertility.

Q) What is a Normal Sperm Count? 0:26

A) For a semen sample to be labelled as normal, there must be an adequate concentration of sperm that is normal in appearance and function.

Q) What is the Normal Range of Sperm Count? 0:38

A) In a normal sperm count, the concentration of sperms should be at least 15 million or above per mL of semen.

But sperm count isn’t the only thing that matters when trying to conceive.

So, the definition of normal sperm count, according to the latest criteria of World Health Organisation (2010) goes as
• The concentration of sperm should be 15 million or above per mL of semen
• The total volume of semen should be more than 1.5 mL
• The total number of sperms in the semen should be more than equal to 39 million
• At least more than 58% of the sperms should be alive
• More than 4% of sperms should be of normal shape and appearance
• At least 32% of the sperms should be moving with a rapid forward progression movement.
• The total motility that is the sum of sperms that are moving rapidly forward and the sperms that are sluggish yet moving forward should be more than 40%.

Q) What is a Normal Sperm Count for Pregnancy 1:52

A) Anything more than or equal to 15 million sperms per mL of semen is considered normal. But having a normal sperm does not give a surety that pregnancy will be achieved. Other factors like Sperm Motility and Morphology are also equally important provided the female does not have any fertility issues.

Q) Why is a Good Sperm Count Needed for Pregnancy? 2:19

A) A Good Sperm Count matters for a pregnancy because it increases the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy within reasonable time.

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