Michael Winding (he/him) : The complete connectome of an insect brain...

Описание к видео Michael Winding (he/him) : The complete connectome of an insect brain...

Michael Winding (he/him) - University of Cambridge - @WindingMichael - Brains must integrate complex sensory information and compare to past events to generate appropriate behavioral responses. The neural circuit basis of these computations is unclear and the underlying structure unknown. Here, we mapped the comprehensive synaptic wiring diagram of the fruit fly larva brain, which contains 3,013 neurons and 544K synaptic sites. It is the most complete insect connectome to date: 1) Both brain hemispheres are reconstructed, allowing investigation of neural pathways that include contralateral axons, which we found in 37% of brain neurons. 2) All sensory neurons and descending neurons are reconstructed, allowing one to follow signals in an uninterrupted chain—from the sensory periphery, through the brain, to motor neurons in the nerve cord. We developed novel computational tools, allowing us to cluster the brain and investigate how information flows through it. We discovered that feedforward pathways from sensory to descending neurons are multilayered and highly multimodal. Robust feedback was observed at almost all levels of the brain, including descending neurons. We investigated how the brain hemispheres communicate with each other and the nerve cord, leading to identification of novel circuit motifs. This work provides the complete blueprint of a brain and a strong foundation to study the structure-function relationship of neural circuits.


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