WILLIAM BLAKE: Hear about the heroic effort to create a colored edition of Blake's long poem Milton

Описание к видео WILLIAM BLAKE: Hear about the heroic effort to create a colored edition of Blake's long poem Milton

What does it take to get a book printed? In the case of William Blake, a lot of time, effort, and cost. That's because Blake illustrated his own works, inventing a printing process he called “illuminated printing” which allowed him to print both the text and the images on the same copper plate. And then he hand-colored them! With only four copies of his long imaginative poem "Milton" in existence, the publisher William Muir decided to create his own edition and it was nearly as difficult and time-consuming. Hear about this special copy connecting Blake, John Milton, Muir, John Quinn, and even William Butler Yeats, Elizabeth Yeats, and the Cuala Press. For more information, please visit our website.


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