How long does it take to produce breast milk after birth? - Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

Описание к видео How long does it take to produce breast milk after birth? - Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

Immediately after the birth of the baby, a thick fluid is secreted from the breast, that is called as the colostrum, which is rich in proteins carbohydrates, and antibodies and low in fat. This is very important for the baby in the first 2 to 3 days. Later on thin white milky fluid is starting to release from the breast gland which is like the natural cow’s milk. After 2 to 3 days of the colostrum secretion, the milk becomes a little watery and white in colour. The reflex is established once the baby starts suckling. The whole reflex is established wherein the brain releases the prolactin hormone which inturn causes release of the oxytocin and they squeeze the epithelial muscular fibers in the lacteal ducts and sinuses, thereby causing the ejection of the milk out of the nipple. The mother can feed the baby for a period of 6 months to year. As the baby keeps suckling, the reflex is established and there is continuous production of milk. In some circumstances where the milk production is reduced, the woman can take the help of some galactogogues, some herbal medicines, some good nitration diet. The breast milk secretion continues as long as the mother is suckling the baby and establishing the reflex which controls the secretion of the milk.


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