Vega (Dictator) Super Turbo Combo Trial Video (Find hints in the description)

Описание к видео Vega (Dictator) Super Turbo Combo Trial Video (Find hints in the description)

#SuperStreetFighterIITurbo #SSF2X #Gaming

16th in the series, and final of the main roster of combo trials I thought up for Super Turbo. Make sure to check out my previous videos! Good Luck!

1. Psycho Crusher – Hold back or down back to charge then press forward and punch
2. Double Knee Press – Hold back or down back to charge then press forward and kick
3. Head Press, Somersault Skull Diver, St Hk – Hold any down direction then press up and kick, after the head press hits, press any punch after (you can steer your movement in the air), link St Hk after the Skull Diver
4. Devil Reverse – Hold any down direction then press up and punch, while in the air press any punch again (can steer your movement while in the air)
5. Knee Press Nightmare – Hold back or down back then quickly press, forward, back, forward + kick
6. Cr Mk, St Hk – Need to do meaty crouch Mk, to link to stand hk
7. Cr Mp, St Hk – Need to do meaty crouch Mp (very little active frames, so timing is very strict), to link to stand Hk
8. Jump Mp 3 hits – While opponent is in the air you can get 3 jumping Mp. You need to make sure you are jumping in a diagonal direction. Neutral jump mp will not combo
9. Jump Mp 3 hits, Knee Press Nightmare – Same as #8, make sure to do only 1 hit for the first jump 2 hits of Jump Mp, make sure to hold charge during the second jump Mp, then time when the opponent is low to the ground to land #5
10. Jump Hk, Cr Mk, Hp Psycho Crusher – Hold charge (down back) while jumping, Jump hk, link cr mk then cancel to Hp psycho
11. Jump Hk, Cr Lp, St Lp, Hk Double Knee Press- Hold charge (down back) while jumping, Jump hk, link cr lp, st lp then cancel to Hk Double knee press
12. Jump Mp, St Lk, Cr Mk, Hp Psycho Crusher – Hold charge while jumping, you can use the first or second hit of Jump mp, the St Lk, link to Cr Mk and cancel to Hp Psycho Crusher
13. Cr Mk, St Lk, Hk Double Knee Press – Will need to do meaty Cr Mk to link to St Lk and cancel to Hk Double Knee Press
14. Jump Mk, St Lk, St Lk, St Lk, Hp Psycho Crusher – Jump Cross up Mk, make sure to constantly hold in the cross up direction, St Lk, St Lk (Second St Lk needs to be close St Lk), St Lk (this will be far Lk), cancel to Hp Psycho Crusher
15. Jump Hk, St Lk, St Lk, Cr Mk, Hp Psycho Crusher – Similar start as #14 but use jumping Hk, and same as before do 2 St LK (both need to be close version), link to Cr Mk and cancel to Hp Psycho Crusher
16. Jump Mk, St Lk, St Lk, St Lk, St Hk – Similar to #14 but for this all 3 St Lk’s need to be the close version to do this you will need to micro walk after the first St Lk, then get 2 more close St Lk and link the St Hk.
17. Cr Mp, Knee Press Nightmare, Jump Mp 2hits – Will need to be close to one side of the screen. Hold down back then quickly do forward, back, down forward + Mp and quickly kick (Mp to kick is called a “plink”, piano the mp to a kick). Then follow up the with 2 hits of Jump Mp
18. Cr Lp, Cr Lp, Cr lp, Knee Press Nightmare, Jump Mp 2 hits – Same position as #17. Hold down back then do Cr Lp, Cr Lp, then do the same motion as #17 but this time ending in Forward + Lp and piano a kick quickly. Then follow up with 2 hits of Jump Mp
19. Cr Mk, St Lk, Knee Press Nightmare, Jump Mp 2hits – Same setup as #13 (best to throw them out of the corner then slide to them to be at the right screen spacing). Meaty down back Cr Mk, then forward, back + Lk, forward + K. You can’t cancel out of the later frames of Cr Mk, but it is easy to accidentally get a late Lk Knee press. So timing is very strict, can try and hold down the back + lk to reduce the chance.
20. Jump Hk, St Lk, Cr Mk, Knee Press Nightmare, Jump Mp – Charge timing for this is very strict. Hold back charge as soon as you jump, then land the Jump Hk as late as possible. Will also want to connect the St Lk as late as possible to ensure you built enough charge, after the St Lk, quickly Forward, down back + Mk, forward + k (can even do forward, back, down mk, forward + k… essentially a hcf motion). I find myself sometimes needing to press forward + k multiple times for the super to cancel out. Then after follow up with 2 hits of Jump Mp… Good Luck!

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