Описание к видео HOW TO MAKE ROTI/CHAPATI | step-by-step RECIPE

I am showing you a detailed video on how to make roti/chapati start to finish.

2 cups atta (whole wheat chapati flour)
1 1/2 cups water, lukewarm
Extra water in separate bowl for kneading
Extra dry flour in a wide/flat bowl
Flat griddle
rolling pin
tongs to flip the chapati with
small clean kitchen towel. to press the chapatis with
Plate lined with paper towel or kitchen towel
Butter or ghee (optional)

Add four to a bowl. Make sure bowl is wide enough to be able to knead.
Start adding water. I add 1 cup, using finger tips in circular motion bring dough together.
Add rest of 1/2 cup water to dry flour slowly forming one ball of dough.
At this point dough will be dry/course. If dough is very sticky add few more tablespoons of dry flour. If too dry than add little more water.
Knead in bowl or clean counter top.
Knead with knuckles, stretch and fold, Keep repeating wetting your hands in lukewarm water each time. Knead for about 5-7 minutes.
Place dough in bowl cover with damp paper towel/kitchen towel. Let it rest for about 15 minutes.
Once dough is rested knead for few more minutes and it's ready.
Store the dough covered in refrigerator till ready to use.
Assemble all tools
You can divide the dough into 10-15 equal-sized balls before hand if using all dough at once.
How many chapatis you get will depend on how thick or think you are making them.
Drench you finger tips in dry flour. Take piece of dough, start bringing the sides into the middle to create a seam and it will start to take round shape.
Place seam side down on same nondominant palm. With opposite hand keeping light pressure roll in circular motion closing the seam.
Place in dry flour press down and form a disk by flattening between thumbs/fingers tips of both hands. Or just flatten with palm it will be easier to roll once in a flat disk shape.
Place disk in dry flour again. Place on flat surface and roll with rolling pin. Roll until it's even. Doesn't have to be round in the beginning but make sure it's rolled out evenly. Thin like a tortilla.
Roll out however many you are making. Keep aside.
Heat griddle on med-high.
Place chapati on griddle, once it starts to change color and slight bubbles appear. Flip
Once flipped it will start to fill with air.
Gently press with flat spatula or kitchen towel to cook the sides. You can flip again to cook the other sides.
If chapatis are not forming brown spots/blistering heat may be too low.
Brush with butter or ghee.
Place on paper towel or kitchen towel to prevent chapatis from being soggy.

Please find the detailed written recipe on my blog for this recipe and other recipes.

Instagram:   / cookingwithshazia  


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