一個母親推動永續發展的力量 | A Mother’s Power to Push for Sustainability | Tammy Hu | 德琦 胡 | TEDxNTNU

Описание к видео 一個母親推動永續發展的力量 | A Mother’s Power to Push for Sustainability | Tammy Hu | 德琦 胡 | TEDxNTNU

胡德琦,DOMI 綠然的共同創辦人,也是一位為孩子和未來的孩子們著急而迫切渴望改善大環境的母親。在開始 DOMI 執行這項遠大的計畫前,德琦曾在歐美與中國當作公關、投資者、和雜誌編輯,對環保是一知半解。但在孩子出世後,她猛然體認到空氣汙染的嚴重性與急迫性。經過了一連串的學習和調查,她發現社會所缺乏的是幫助民眾長久落實環保的動力。因此,她決定成立 DOMI 綠然,拉近人與環境的距離、讓大家從「心」看待扭轉氣候變遷這個使命。此演講透露胡創辦人是如何化困境為動力,並憑著過人的創新思維與行動力,在環保的進度表中持續向前走。

“I persist only because I know that everyone is more powerful than they imagine.”
In addition to being the co-founder of DOMI, Tammy Hu is also a worried mother for her kids and for future generations who is eager to change the natural environment for the better. Before establishing DOMI, Hu had worked in the United States, Europe, and China as a publicist, an investor, and a magazine editor. She was not familiar with the field of environmental protection at all. However, after becoming a mother, she suddenly noticed the severity of air pollution. After doing deep research, she came to the conclusion that the Taiwanese society lacks the motivation to go green. Thus, she decided to establish DOMI to create a united front with the goals of environmental protection and energy reservation in mind. In the speech, Hu demonstrates innovative thinking and ambition in her stories of overcoming hardships. 英文名Tammy,DOMI 綠然的共同創辦人,一位母親。在投身環保產業前,曾在異國進行跨領域投資、擔任時尚媒體編輯、闖蕩公關公司。因孩子的出世,毅然決然回國創業,決心深耕環境永續。DOMI在拉丁文中是「家」的意思,她期望用愛孩子的心情感染社會,從企業內訓到綠樹派對,讓環保深植大小單位。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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