江門居民區!隱世牛肉火鍋店!團購價82元食到飽!CP值極高!食在大灣區!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!宵夜大排檔!最旺地超市購物!優秀平民食堂!瞬間滿席!誰也抵擋不了!讚口不絕!Canton Food Tour

Описание к видео 江門居民區!隱世牛肉火鍋店!團購價82元食到飽!CP值極高!食在大灣區!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!宵夜大排檔!最旺地超市購物!優秀平民食堂!瞬間滿席!誰也抵擋不了!讚口不絕!Canton Food Tour

   / @huntingarcher  

#江門 #牛肉火鍋店 #

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/G37sksU1sno6Q...
餐廳消費:2人牛肉火鍋 團購價¥85
三國後至民國前為新會縣地。明、清時期,新會縣屬下的江門鎮逐漸興起,逐漸成為珠江三角洲的一個貿易中心,西江中下游一帶的商品多在此地集散。 1895年2月(清光緒二十一年),孫中山從陳少白口中得知茶庵寺住持乃是隱世將軍,翌日在陳少白的陪同下從香港來到江門(江海區茶庵寺)拜會住持慧寺真大師。雙方一拍即合,相去甚遠,在反清的道路上雙方是一致的。自此慧真大師同意加入興中會,不久茶庵寺亦成為當時興中會的據點。清光緒二十八年(1902年)9月5日,依據《中英續議通商行船條約》開放為通商口岸。 1904年,江門設立海關,成為中國沿海重要的對外通商岸。 1911年在武昌起義爆發後一個月,11月10日,黃夢醒在新寧縣(今江門台山)發動起義,新寧鐵路工人協助下拘捕滿清新寧知縣李繼堯。 11月16日,孫中山領導的同盟會會員黃明堂、黃梓等2000多人在江門舉行辛亥武裝起義,同日佔領江門。
更多資訊:江門鎮 (廣東省)
1913年,最早的戲院大同戲院建成開幕。 1925年,江門定為省轄市。 1931年撤銷市立制,復歸新會縣轄。民國時與南海縣佛山鎮,增城縣新塘鎮,東莞縣石龍鎮並稱為廣東四大鎮。當時的江門商業極為發達,在現在市區長堤、倉後路、太平路附近存有超過三公里的騎馬街。其時富商在市區以及附近白沙鄉的東海裡、江右裡、迦南里等建有大量富有西洋風格的住宅。
1951年1月12日從新會縣析置江門市並改為省轄市,之後先後由粵中行署、肇慶專區、佛山專區管轄,此時為新會縣轄江門市。 1957年11月1日在上川島建立氣象站(今上川島氣象站)。 1983年市管縣新體制實行,江門定為省轄地級市,下轄新會、台山、鶴山、恩平、開平、陽江、陽春共七個縣。 1988年,陽江和陽春獨立建市,其餘縣亦相繼升為縣級市。當時,江門市行政上指江門市蓬江區、江海區以及下屬的五個縣級市。建國後政府在江門投資建立門類齊全的工業體系,著名的企業有曾經是亞洲第二大糖廠的江門甘蔗化工廠(現稱江門甘化集團)、江門柴油機廠、江門造紙廠、江門船廠、江門電池廠等等,此時江門的工業產值躍居廣東第三位。 1993年3月,江門高新區展開興建。 1996年4月,連接市區與潮連島之間的潮連大橋通車。
Qin and Han Dynasties
During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Jiangmen was the territory of Panyu County.
From the Three Kingdoms Period to before the Republic of China
From the Three Kingdoms Period to before the Republic of China, it was the territory of Xinhui County. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jiangmen Town under Xinhui County gradually rose and gradually became a trade center in the Pearl River Delta. Most of the goods in the middle and lower reaches of the West River were distributed here. In February 1895 (the 21st year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), Sun Yat-sen learned from Chen Shaobai that the abbot of Cha'an Temple was a hermit general. The next day, accompanied by Chen Shaobai, he came to Jiangmen (Cha'an Temple in Jianghai District) from Hong Kong to visit the abbot Master Huizhen. The two sides hit it off and had a good talk. Both sides were consistent in the road of anti-Qing. Since then, Master Huizhen agreed to join the Xingzhonghui, and soon Cha'an Temple also became the base of the Xingzhonghui at that time. On September 5, the 28th year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1902), it was opened as a trading port in accordance with the Sino-British Supplementary Treaty of Commerce and Navigation. In 1904, Jiangmen established a customs house and became an important foreign trade port on the coast of China. On November 10, 1911, one month after the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Huang Mengxing launched an uprising in Xinning County (now Taishan, Jiangmen). With the help of Xinning Railway workers, he arrested Li Jiyao, the magistrate of Xinning County, a Manchu. On November 16, more than 2,000 members of the Tongmenghui led by Sun Yat-sen, including Huang Mingtang and Huang Zi, held the Xinhai armed uprising in Jiangmen and occupied Jiangmen on the same day.
Republic of China period
More information: Jiangmen Town (Guangdong Province)
In 1913, the earliest theater, Datong Theater, was built and opened. In 1925, Jiangmen was designated as a provincial city. In 1931, the city system was abolished and returned to the jurisdiction of Xinhui County. During the Republic of China, it was called the four major towns in Guangdong together with Foshan Town, Nanhai County, Xintang Town, Zengcheng County, and Shilong Town, Dongguan County. At that time, Jiangmen's business was extremely developed. There were more than three kilometers of arcade streets near Changdi, Canghou Road and Taiping Road in the current urban area. At that time, wealthy businessmen built a large number of Western-style houses in the urban area and in Donghaili, Jiangyouli and Jiananli in the nearby Baisha Township.



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00:00 Intro
00:47 江門蓬江區市區實況
03:31 江門居民區隱世牛肉火鍋店/牛家莊
06:47 團購價82元食到飽/手切牛肉兩大碟送牛肉丸
20:21 江門市區最旺地/超市購物
27:00 日落夜景航拍視角
31:00 北郊夜市/比想像中冷清/夜市大排檔
39:44 酒店房間食水果/自製飲品
44:01 Ending
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