馨心廚房 | 免器材!用最簡單的原料手法做全麥貝果🥯健康美味家庭常備 | Healthy Whole Wheat Bagels with Simple Ingredients

Описание к видео 馨心廚房 | 免器材!用最簡單的原料手法做全麥貝果🥯健康美味家庭常備 | Healthy Whole Wheat Bagels with Simple Ingredients


⌂材料 (6個貝果):

水9克 (融化乾酵母用)

糖50克 (煮貝果用)
水1公升 (煮貝果用)

1. 將高筋麵粉、全麥麵粉、鹽和水混合(酵母除外),攪拌均勻形成麵團,室溫靜置1小時。
2. 將麵團攤開成長方形,均匀塗抹酵母糊後,進行九宮格折疊,再簡單收成團。
3. 將麵團切成小塊再搓揉成團,這個步驟重複兩到三次。
4. 麵團室温發酵1小時。
5. 将發酵好的麵團分成6份,整成貝果形狀,在温暖濕潤的環境中發酵40分。
6. 取出貝果,預熱烤箱至上火230℃,下火200℃。
7. 煮糖水,將1公升水煮沸,加入50克糖,然後將貝果放入沸水中,兩面各煮15秒,撈出瀝乾。
8. 迅速將貝果放入預熱好的烤箱中,約烤15分鐘至兩面金黃。


Welcome to my channel!
In this episode, I'll show you how to make delicious and healthy whole wheat bagels at home using
just five simple ingredients.
This recipe is perfect for beginners, with easy-to-follow steps.
Let's get started!

⌂Ingredients (for 6 bagels):
200g bread flour
100g whole wheat flour
3g instant dry yeast
5g salt
160g water

9g water (for dissolving yeast)

50g sugar (for boiling bagels)
1 liter water (for boiling bagels)

1. Mix the bread flour, whole wheat flour, salt, and water (excluding yeast) to form a dough.
Let it rest at room temperature for 1 hour.
2. Spread out the dough into a rectangle, apply the yeast mixture evenly over the dough.
Then fold it and form it back into a ball.
3. Cut the dough into small pieces, reunite and knead them back into a ball.
Repeat this step two to three times.
4. Let the dough rise at room temperature for 1 hour.
5. Divide the risen dough into 6 portions, shape them into bagels, and let them proof in a warm,
humid environment for 40 minutes (you can place a cup of hot water in a closed oven).
6. Preheat the oven to 230°C (450°F) top heat and 200°C (390°F) bottom heat.
7. Boil the sugar water: bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add 50g of sugar,
and boil each bagel for 15 seconds on each side. Drain them.
8. Quickly place the bagels in the preheated oven and bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown
on both sides.

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