📍 Tamasi - Corbeanca | 5 Room Villa - Solar Energy Panels | Premium Finishes | Global Home Romania

Описание к видео 📍 Tamasi - Corbeanca | 5 Room Villa - Solar Energy Panels | Premium Finishes | Global Home Romania

Listing Agent • Alexandru Bugheanu - 0759.544.430
Listing Price • 425.000€ • 5 Rooms • 228sqm Total Surface • 500sqm Land


Alexandru Bugheanu ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Agency:
Comision 0%

Vila cu 5 camere spatioase si 5 bai cu suprafete generoase. Proprietatea este dispusa pe 2 etaje avand o amprenta la sol de 105mp2 inconjurata de un teren de 500mp. Toate camerele de noapte au baie proprie.

Zona Corbeanca genereaza interes major in privinta proprietatilorr rezidentiale atat in prezent cat si in anii ce vor urma, motiv pentru care selectarea unei zone de resedinta in cadrul acesteia este foarte importanta.

Daca sunteti in cautare unei proprietati construite in regim propriu cu atentia sporita asupra detaliilor tehnice si a finisajelor, aceasta este casa dumneavoastra.
O proprietate coordonata de un expert in domeniu constructiilor ce a fost alaturi de echipa de proiectare si implimentare din ziua 1 pana la momentul finalizarii.
O proprietate in care accentul a fost pus pe utilitatea si durabilitatea in timp a fiecare zone atat in interior in spatiile utile cat si in exterior.

Imobilul a beneficiat pe parcursul constructiei de materiale, instalatii electrice si finisaje de cea mai buna calitate, de la interior la exterior, supraveghere video, panouri solare, incalzire in pardoseala, izolatie cu vata minerala etc.

Avem in portofoliu 2 case in cadrul acestui proiect, ce se pot vedea simultan, fiind pozitionate una langa cealalta.

Alexandru Bugheanu ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Agency:
0% Comision

Villa with 5 spacious rooms and 5 bathrooms with generous surfaces. The property is arranged on 2 floors with a footprint of 105 square meters surrounded by a plot of 500 square meters. All night rooms have their own bathroom.

The Corbeanca area generates major interest in residential properties both now and in the years to come, which is why the selection of a residential area within it is very important.

In the immediate vicinity of the property we find many facilities for a harmonious life: prestigious schools and kindergartens, but also shopping centers, commercial centers (Lidl and Mega Image) and means of public transport for the independence of your juniors.

If you are looking for a self-built property with increased attention to technical details and finishes, this is your home.
A property coordinated by an expert in the construction field who was with the design and implementation team from day 1 until completion.
A property in which the emphasis was placed on the usefulness and durability over time of each area both inside the useful spaces and outside.

During construction, the building benefited from the best quality materials, electrical installations and finishes, from inside to outside, video surveillance, solar panels, underfloor heating, insulation with mineral wool, etc.

We have in our portfolio 2 houses within this project, which can be seen simultaneously, being positioned next to each other.

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