লিংকডইন - কেন এত জনপ্রিয় | Why LinkedIn Is So Popular?

Описание к видео লিংকডইন - কেন এত জনপ্রিয় | Why LinkedIn Is So Popular?

LinkedIn, the world's largest networking platform for professionals with nearly 640 million users in 200 countries. LinkedIn is a very popular social networking platform among job seekers, employers, and industry professionals. The platform is used by more than 40 million users every week to find jobs. Even, every minute three users are able to find jobs through LinkedIn. In this video, we will explore why LinkedIn is so popular among professionals and job seekers all over the world.
Video Sections:
0:00 - Introduction
0:58 - History
6:20 - Why So Popular
12:24 - LinkedIn in Bangladesh
Our Facebook Page:https://bit.ly/3g8Fv0a
Our Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/38w6BdE
Our Instagram ID: https://bit.ly/33VT8w8
Our LinkedIn ID: https://bit.ly/3gFK6qb
wikipedia: https://bit.ly/3u9dpIB
Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2O88esZ
penningtoncreative: https://bit.ly/2PG3480
bloomberg: https://bloom.bg/3u9J0Kg
gigaom: https://bit.ly/3rDsGQ0
thelinkedinman: https://bit.ly/3rEMiDz
wsj: https://on.wsj.com/3cC8rOH
news.linkedin: https://bit.ly/3cBRtjc
topresume: https://bit.ly/3rIXn6M
business.linkedin: https://bit.ly/3cEfjLv
theundercoverrecruiter: https://bit.ly/3m7nT8n
napoleoncat: https://bit.ly/3rCg4sw
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