The Peoples’ Manifesto General Election Rally 2024

Описание к видео The Peoples’ Manifesto General Election Rally 2024

More than 10 million people in the UK are heavily weighed down by household debt. People in debt often feel stigma and struggle to speak out but this online event centres the stories of people with experience of debt.

Politicians of all parties are telling us what they will do for the country, but in this rally the platform was given to people in debt to outline their demands.

Speakers included:

Richard Dunbar - Senior Community Organiser-Debt Justice ,

Amy Taylor - Co-Chair of Greater Manchester Money Advice Group ,

Dada Zubeda - Polyglot poet, activist championing progression for 15 years through creative workshops. Empowering women, youth in underprivileged communities. Fluent in 4 languages, relating across cultures. Experienced struggles worldwide, igniting passion for freedom - speech, expression, escaping debt, injustice, societal limitations. Giving voice to the marginalized through artistic liberation

Helen Rowlands - co-leads the Disability Poverty Campaign Group for Inclusion London, who campaign for equality for Deaf and Disabled people and a former Director of the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People. Helen campaigns to end the injustice of social care charging, and the associated local authority debt recovery practices

Alice -  works as a Supervisor and Adviser for different debt projects in Cornwall since 2009. Living in a crumbling mortgaged property with the fix due to end! Credit card debts increasing since Cost of Living issues began.

Dean Burn - is one of Debt Justice’s longest serving Together Against Debt group members and is based in Greater Manchester. Dean played a key role in the production of the Together Against Debt Manifesto and has recently appeared in a Channel 4 feature on the Cost of Living Crisis.

Piers Telemacque - Piers is a Bradford community activist in Bradford and currently works at the race equality network. He's been involved in a range of campaigns that Include racial justice, environment and sustainability and education

Kirsty Taylor - a writer and educator inspired by her beloved hometown Bradford. She is passionate about story telling through poetry and has performed all over the country telling tales about people, class and the realities of Broken Britain. Her first full length play Cashy C's: The Musical, a unique rap and bassline show about poverty and austerity sold out all it's shows in under twenty four hours, received five star reviews and was voted in The Guardian Readers favourite stage shows of 2022

Rona Proudfoot - Rona is a member of the Together Against Debt Glasgow/

Jo Barker Marsh - Survivor, filmmaker, artist, mum to a special boy, a bit marmite, anti poverty campaigner

Debt Justice are part of a global movement to end unjust debt and the poverty and inequality it perpetuates. Only together can we build a fair economy that serves people and the planet.


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