Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - Chasan Lake, Eastern Siberia, July 1939

Описание к видео Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - Chasan Lake, Eastern Siberia, July 1939

Japanese and Soviet troops face each other at the Chasan Lake near Wladiwostok in the summer of 1939. The 40th Infantry Division, which is known to be weak, is the only protector of the Soviet borders in this region of Siberia, which is so very far away from Moscow. The Japanese military force has already conquered North China and Korea. In Tokyo, the Red Army’s situation as being decimated and shattered after Stalin’s cleansings is well-known.

Japanese units cross the borders on July 23, 1939 and the Imperial Japanese Army launches an attack on the Red Army on 29 July. Take immediate command of the 40th infantry division of the Red Army. There is an important railway junction in the village which has to be held at all costs.
Carry out your last changes to the positions of your troops. The Japanese attack is about to begin.


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