Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - Trondheim 1940

Описание к видео Blitzkrieg BH-RT Custom mission - Trondheim 1940

---- Take snipers to the island -----
Central Norway. April 24, 1940. The German Wehrmacht has occupied Denmark and the most important cities in Norway in a surprise attack. The English and French did however land an expedition corps in Norway on April 17as part of Operation "Jupiter”. Your troops have been given the order to occupy the railway junction that is being held by Norwegian and British troops.
An immediate attack over the bridges would by suicidal. Your division staff has drawn up an alternative plan. Get your sniper to the small skerry island archipelago. This could be a good starting point to reconnoiter your enemy's positions. The fjord is mostly frozen over and your sniper shouldn’t have any problems getting to the island.

---- Find the officer -----
A recon officer has to do an emergency landing in the skerries with his Fieseler Storch. He should have important information for your unit. Find this officer!

---- Capture the left bridge -----
The recon officer has good and bad news for you. The bad news: The enemy is using Paks, strong Bofors Light AA guns and armored vehicles. These include Valentine tanks, which can seriously match your Pz III and Pz IVs. The good news: It looks as if the enemy is not counting on your advance as yet. The British and Norwegian soldiers are sleeping and some guards are protecting the base. In case of an attack the enemy will quickly occupy all important positions and guns. You have to surprise the enemy and prevent enemy troops from manning their positions. Supreme Command provides massive air support and airborne troops for this difficult task. Your mission objective is to conquer the left bridge!

---- Capture the right bridge -----
You should also capture the right bridge in order to be able to make use of all your armored powers!

---- Seize the train station -----
Seize the train station. Numerous Valentine tanks are parked there, according to information given by a recon officer. The Valentine tanks are NOT ready for operation at present. In the case of an alarm, the English soldiers should, however, try to reach the tanks and take them into the battle. Should the enemy manage to get its soldiers to the tanks and be able to man them, then this will make things extremely difficult for you and your fight. However, should the alerted English soldiers be prevented from reaching the tanks, the Valentine tanks will not take part in the fight. Your mission objective is to seize the train station!

---- Conquer the rear bridges -----
Conquer the two rear bridges, too.

---- Conquer the village -----
You now have the most important tactical points under your control. Now remove all enemy troops from the village.

---- Conquer the western riverbank -----
Conquer the western riverbank and take control of the whole area around the railway line!


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