Fire Emblem Heroes - Abyssal Fae LHB Solo Flame Emperor

Описание к видео Fire Emblem Heroes - Abyssal Fae LHB Solo Flame Emperor

Luring the enemies correctly is the more important thing here, as things can get very crowded very quickly, and some of them carry a few skills that can make things unexpectedly more cramped and awkward to deal with, like the Guard Bearing Pegasus Knight, and the Firesweep Cavalry. That said, nothing in this map remotely threatens Flame Emperor, so it's only a matter of properly positioning things around to better deal with the enemies as they come. Enjoy the clear!

Flame Emperor: Bringer of War
Merges: 10
Asset: Attack (Ascended), Speed
Dragonflowers: 25
Summoner Support: S-Rank

Weapon: Flame Battleaxe (+Special refine)
Assist: Rally Atk./Spd.+
Special: Galeforce
Skill A: Distant A./S. Solo
Skill B: Mystic Boost 4
Skill C: Panic Smoke 4
Seal: Armored Boots


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