Fire Emblem Heroes - Abyssal Corrin (M) LHB Solo Fallen Edelgard

Описание к видео Fire Emblem Heroes - Abyssal Corrin (M) LHB Solo Fallen Edelgard

Corrin hits surprisingly hard, and the new terrain he sets up is very annoying as well due to halving all damage reduction. That said, he has no speed control at all, and still cannot fully overcome damage reduction, including those triggered by Special effects.
Fallen Edelgard's new shiny blue Forma stars look great on her stat screen, and she packed a couple new skills, one of which that will help a great deal for this battle.

The combination of her own speed control, Counter Roar, and Armored Blaze offer a great deal of survivability to Fallen Edelgard, and with a Mystic Boost seal she can even outheal the extra damage taken from the inevitable Exposure effects from Corrin's Ploy. The downside of being forced to take that approach is that it turns the map into a slow, dragged-on battle, enduring an endless assault from the enemies around while we lure the Lance Armor and Corrin around the right side of the map, up until we clear things enough to get rid of one of the healers, and finally set up things to deal with Corrin.
Our skills allow to get the upper hand against him after a few combats, while the Armor is taking a stroll doing nothing important around the bottom half of the map. The Armor itself is annoyingly bulky as well, thanks to Weaving Fighter, which makes the final portion of the fight almost as long as the rest of the entire map itself as we finally put an end to this long, battle. Enjoy the clear!

Edelgard: Hegemon Husk
Merges: 10
Asset: Attack, Resistance (Ascended)
Dragonflowers: 20
Summoner Support: S-Rank

Weapon: Twin-Crest Power
Assist: Rally Def./Res.+
Special: Armored Blaze (+Marth Emblem)
Skill A: Atk./Res. Ideal 4
Skill B: Counter Roar 4
Skill C: Panic Smoke 4
Seal: Mystic Boost 3


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