Margaret Thatcher PM - 1979 | Movietone Moment | 4 May 18

Описание к видео Margaret Thatcher PM - 1979 | Movietone Moment | 4 May 18

On this day in 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Here’s Movietone’s report on the election result.

The climax of the Election Campaign came on 3rd May when the Nation went to the Polls. PM James Callaghan and Mrs Callaghan cast their votes in his Cardiff constituency. Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher, amid a barrage of Pressmen, went to Chelsea Town Hall to record her vote. ® The following day it was Mrs Thatcher who triumphantly entered No 10 Downing Street as Britain's first woman Prime Minister. Earlier in the day a smiling Jim Callaghan had left No 10 to tender his resignation to the Queen.

GV exterior No 10 Downing Street. CU door ditto. MS PM Callaghan during election build-up. Various ditto. MS Callaghan into car. CU poster of Jim Callaghan. MCU ditto. CU poster 'Keep the Tories out'. MCU poster of Margaret Thatcher. Pan Margaret Thatcher at per-election meeting. MS crowd applauds. CU Mrs Thatcher addressing crowd. MS ditto. MS crowd. MS Mrs Thatcher holding 1 note. CU ditto pan to Mrs Thatcher. MS car with Liberal Party posters. CU Liberal Party posters. MS people into polling station. MCU polling sign pan to people entering station. CU 'Pen-Yr-Heol' Primary School sign. MS Callaghan arrives to vote. CU sign Polling Station. MS Callaghan in polling booth. MCU ditto marking voting papers. MS ditto. CU photographers. MS Callaghan putting vote into ballot box. MLS ditto. MS vote into ballot box by Mrs Callaghan. MS crowd of press around Mrs Thatcher at Chelsea polling station. Various ditto. GV crowd in Downing Street. MLS Callaghan leaves No 10 into car en route to offer his resignation at Buckingham Palace. MS crowd. MS Callaghan drives away. GV Conservative & Unionist Central Office HQ. CU sign ditto. MS Mrs Thatcher and husband, Denis Thatcher leaving for Buckingham Palace. GV car drives away. GV Buckingham Palace. MS crowds outside. MS Mrs Thatcher leaves Palace. CU sign Downing Street. Various of crowds. MS car arrives and Mrs Thatcher gets out. MS Mrs Thatcher waves to crowds and talks to press. CU ditto. MS crowd cheering. MS Mrs Thatcher watching from door of No 10. MS Mrs Thatcher talking to crowd. GV ditto. MS spectators on balcony. GV Mrs Thatcher walks back to No 10. LS crowd. MS Mrs Thatcher and husband wave to crowd from steps of No 10. GV Houses of Parliament. SEE STORY NUMBER 79/60/2 FOR STOCK SHOTS

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