Drill Sowing vs Broadcast (Chatta) Sowing of Wheat | Crop Reformer

Описание к видео Drill Sowing vs Broadcast (Chatta) Sowing of Wheat | Crop Reformer

Drill Sowing and Broadcast method of sowing of Wheat have been controversial among researchers. Specifications of Broadcast and Drill sowing have been discussed in this video. Both methos have their own merits and demerits according to local ground conditions. In this video, pros and cons of both sides have been described briefly and effectively. Drill sowing causes some difficulties in some area but is favorable for other suitable areas of wheat sowing. New technology should be adopted and followed but keeping in mind the ground realities of our specific local conditions. Weather also plays a vital role in getting higher production in case of chatta sowing of wheat crop. Inclusion of modern technology is the need of the time. Needs and requirements are increasing with the passage of time, so we should adopt new and modern methods of cultivation. To enhance the production of crops, adoption of modern approach and new methods is necessary. But inclusion of new methods depend upon research conducted in a specific area so that it may perform better under local environment and weather conditions perfectly. A technology found good at a place does not guarantee its better performance at other places because that is made under those specific ground, soil and climate conditions.



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