Necrophagist | Advanced Corpse Tumor...with a Twist & TAB!

Описание к видео Necrophagist | Advanced Corpse Tumor...with a Twist & TAB!

"Jooooar, kann man machen!"

Before I go into my description, here are the tabs! Though I advise you to read the rest too, since it mostly covers the transcription process and my issues with it. I decided to split up some chords between the guitars because that made for a more coherent tab, even though it sounds slightly different in the recording.



The reason I was doing this video was actually the tab. I don't really think I had to record a playthrough for this song. I felt kinda indifferent towards it, even though it's definitely a cool song. Hell, this was my jam when I was around 19 years. I was a huge fan of this album. I always wanted to learn this song but back then there were no accurate tabs. Some time later I got into transcribing and started doing this song. But there were some parts I couldn't make out. Kinda lost the motivation for it, just did the solo and recorded a video for that. That was it. This half-finished tab has been sitting on my hard drive for years now and it's been on my bucket list ever since.

Because I usually share my tabs and because that's the actual reason for me finishing it, I made a video too. But just playing it on, you know, regular speed and stuff, would be boring, right? I mean, I already have a video for the solo! Why do the same thing again? I think this was a good compromise for me to challenge myself and to also play the original "slow" version for you.

Originally I didn't plan on recording this in one take. I had planned two seperate takes with a small cut in it. But I practiced it the way you see here and it went suprisingly well with that mid-song speed up. The playthrough is not perfect. I'm a bit early on some notes. Some of the tapping notes are a semitone higher, but you'll barely notice on the faster tempo. The faster shred parts could be cleaner/clearer. I also play the second fast alternate picking run slightly different. But for a full 5 minutes playthrough I'm satisfied enough to share it.

Now to the tab!

The issue with the tab were the chords right in the first bar. The last two of it. It's actually just a minor third. Nothing special. Or so I thought. The longer I listened to the song and all the times those chords are played the less sure I was. There's definitely some low end in them that sounds like the third doubled an octave lower. So root, major sixth, octave. For most of the transcribing process I was sure its a three note chord. But sometimes when the chords are repeated in different sections it sounds like the low note is missing on one of the guitars. But not on the other one. I couldn't make sense of it. The highest note is also not always quite audible.

So here's what I was able to hear. In the intro section it sounds like a three note chord, but the left guitar sounds a bit more pronounced on the low notes and the right guitar on the high notes. Could be the differences of two guitar players. But Muhammed, as far as I know, recorded this alone. So it should be quite consistent in terms of attack and how he mutes the notes, or at least somewhat consistent, considering this was recorded in 1998. But it's a hell of a clean record for that. Then it might be that the guitars are eq'd slightly different. Left guitar less mids, right guitar more. Sounds like it. But, and that's what I settled for in the end, he could've split up the three note chord into a lower and higher two note chord. I can definitely hear this approach on some of the open chords (bar 11 in the tab).

What I do think actually is, that he used all of the above. In the intro it might be the three note chords but later when those chords are repeated in that picking passage that has some short tapping in it, it sounds like they are split up into left low and right high. Problem is, it doesn't sound consistent enough throughout the song to make a proper decision on it. I know Necrophagist use both intervals (a minor sixth is prominent in the Seven intro and thirds are prominent in many songs) The full three note chord is actually one I don't see much. But the songwriting, for me, also seems a lot more "random" than Epitaph for example. So it's possible that things don't make as much sense. The time signatures are also part of that whole "feeling a bit more random". Based on all this I could've made three versions of the tab:

1.A tab of what I actually hear
2.A tab with the full chords everytime they come up
3.A tab with clearly seperated voicings based on what I can hear and what would make more sense to me.

I settled for the third version, just to get this video and tab out. Actually, my playthrough is a bit mixed, I do play the full three note chord sometimes. I might upload different versions later, because I still have to fix the time signatures in the solo! Enjoy the video!


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